
...and with Mel Ferrer as Murchison

Yesterday I was in Tokyo on a few job interviews/information sessions. Japan as a whole is ripe with places looking for english teachers and lot of these companies are pretty similar. It's hard to tell straight off the bat what the working environment is gonna be like without knowing someone who already works for that company. I did meet with another company that deals with job recruiting for mostly pharmaceutical industries which would pay a shit-ton of ¥ and would allow me to save also a shit-ton. Not sure if that's gonna work out seeing as I have no previous experience in a a traditional paint-by-the-#'s "business" job but I would be down to try it out for a while and get some stacks.

There's no lack of stimuli in Tokyo though obviously. Just walkin around you can tell the energy here is much different than New York though there are a lot of similarities between the two. Dunno why but I kept thinking about this classic while wandering around yesterday.

Definitely worth checking out as I've noted before on Like Like.

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